24 December, 2010

WOW Topic #2. ungratefulness.

ungratefulness is like a disease
it creeps up slowly when you least expect it
just when you think you are healthy
little do you know a deadly tumor is growing
it starts. with just, one, small, justifiable complaint
customer service, no biggie, the customer is always right, right?
but then all around you, you world grows dim
while everyone is trying to give, you just cant even see it
you have become, blinded, blinded by...the tumor of ungratefulness
It's a cancer that robs you of all gifts
when ungratefulness is your disease you are unable to receive
beauty reaches out her hand, and you turn your head... and sniff demanding, you are all deserving, "Come save me, cause I'm so worthy" but really? who is it you really see loose up those greedy clenched fist,
open your arms it's time to give,
and then you'll finally get it that all along, you've been given life,
and it's a good as you decide to make it

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