24 December, 2010

W.O.W Intro

So I have this friend. She's an amazing writer. Her raw honesty inspires me, and cuts me deep. But somehow in the lull of an uninspiring funk, her writing decided to hibernate. Well, in an attempt to awaken her sleeping bear, I prodded her with a blogging challenge.And I even gave it a fun silly name. W.O.W...I like to call it, write it out Wednesdays. Each Wednesday we challenge each other with various blog topics... (if we actually accomplish it by Wednesday)

Since i myself have also slipped into a wee bit of an uninspired season, we are doing it together, Hopefully to inspire each other, to write more, to live life a little fuller, and love a little harder. (because that's what writing does, at least for me :)
So I'll end this introduction before it gets any cheesier...
But hopefully I have given you a little blog challenge to look forward too :)

(oh...ps I have to confess... this challenge was supposed to start a couple weeks ago, and, I know, I'm so lame I'm already behind on my own challenge. So I have a little bit of catching up to do... but my wonderful friend has faithfully started the challenge.)

And please, please, if you would like to follow her wonderful blog with me... you should...

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