24 December, 2010

WOW Topic #1. inspiration.


There's nothing that kills inspiration more than chaos…
One moment muddled to the next,
Coerced by obligation, Blinded by busyness, depleted by to-dos.
Life can become a roller-coster ride, that will take one on an amnesia inducing journey faster than what you bargained for.
One day you step off the ride, and realize years have passed before your eyes since you took time to stop and enjoy life.
But in that moment of clarity you look around you, and once again...
the world comes alive.
Beauty around you is born
Inspiration reveals it's veiled face.

This is my moment, I keep discovering again and again.
In its sweetness I taste, and delight.

I had almost forgotten it's wonder. I had almost given up.
Given up on searching.
Given up on longing.
Painful hunger conquered.
Almost, but not.
It would not relinquish it's fight.
Because I, once again am inspired.

Creation. In the beginning. Page one, history books, religious recordings,
all memories start here.
Something is made. God creates.
All life as we know it, begins... with a gigantic piece of art.
Creation inspires me.
He created self sustaining life
He created us to create
It has become our own work, survival, and art
Creation doesn't just end at "making something"
It drives down to the very depth of providence.
Design, it's the exercise of will, decision, and perfection.

Love. I'm inspired by Love. Faithful sacrifice.
Love that endures past the days that are always pretty and fun,
into the days covered in wrinkles, and filled with things like, colonoscopies.
Love that even had enough steam to chug the train all the way home,
when it's time to break down the beautiful mahogany bed
bought on the 25th anniversary,
and exchange it for a not-so-luxurious, ugly brownish metal one.
Operated by remote controls to prevent bed sores.
Love that lasts long enough to help change her 'depends'
when she can't quite make it...
Love holds her hand when the morphine isn't strong enough...
And when she decides, "treatment" is not longer an option...
I'm inspired by love that lasts a lifetime.

Purpose. Rob a man of purpose, rob him of life itself.
There's a moment when one discovers. "This was what I was made for,
There's nothing other way in the world I'd rather spend my life"
The one who finds this, and follows it, by this... I am inspired.

Destiny...or I should say, providence, to technically be "theologically correct".
All the supposed perfection of our prized personal plans shatters to pieces
and something else remains.
Something planned, designed, hand crafted, with precise intention.
Little did we know, this something is more breathtakingly beautiful that we could have ever perceived.
Suddenly the ashes of expectations we once held so dear,
blow away in a glimpse of this unimaginable glorious storm of destiny.

I'm inspired by daddies that hold their daughter's hands when they take them on dates and teach them what to expect from a man.

I'm inspired by soldiers who fight, I don't always understand why there's a fight for what it is for, but I'm inspired that they continue in battle at the cost of all things comfortable.

I'm inspired by honest melodies that can bring tears to your eyes, warm cozy rooms with dim lights, silver snow falling, and the setting sun that kisses me goodnight with it's fading beams of light.

I'm so often tempted to look for the great big, monumental things, when all a long it's the small things that we pass by each day that bring the most life.
Let me no longer be a passer by.

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