16 May, 2012

when life is short...

Sometimes you just have to stop, close your eyes and let the world slow down.
Sometimes life simply moves too fast.

I had to do this today. It might have taken a governmental authority to physically stop me,
flashing blue and red lights and all... just. to. get. me. to. stop.
Mourn. Mourn change. Mourn age. Mourn memories. Memories that are no longer reality.
Maturing girls who are no longer tender little children but adults, with real problems, real struggles, and real sadness.
Adults who the life they look back at is a longer life, than the life that lies ahead.
And even older adults who think more about saying goodbye than hello.

So I slowed down today, I stopped racing from one errand to the next, I stopped.
I sat in my car and wept. Not knowing at first why I was weeping, but then realizing, this one simple reality. Life is short, and it moves too fast. Before we know it, the treasures of today will be distant and fading memories.

How am I holding on to the treasures of this moment? How am I giving this reality here and now my everything before it does become a memory. May I give my best, all that I am, in this moment. With this parent, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend, patient, person. So that when it does become a memory, it's cherished, full, complete, and free from any regret.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your writing. My heart feels the same way.