09 January, 2011

A family I admire

There is this family that I admire.
I have secretly admired them for a very long time.

It all started in a old, tan, honda civic my freshman year in high school.
This girl named Emily took me to school, on my fist day of HIGH SCHOOL!!
I have a bad memory (usually). But I remember that morning.
I was proud to be with her.
She was my hero. She was a senior. She was cool.
And she loved Jesus, alot.
And I admired her.

And even though I was in a huge socially awkward stage,
she was my friend, a very sweet friend.
I remember going to her house and playing "Catch Phrase" with her parents.
I admired her parents.

I had never met two people who were sweeter to each other.
I don't think I've ever heard her dad say anything cross.
And he always has the sweetest smile on his face.

And her mother, Mrs. Susanna, was marked with gentleness and kindness.
I didn't always get to see her that often, but when I did,
there was never a sweeter smile, and a more tender voice.
I admired her mother.

Emily has a sister named Rachel.
I have secretly admired Rachel for a long time :)

Rachel has this ability to spill her heart, in a way I have never seen before.
She has a way of saying, I struggle, and life is hard, but God is good.
And sometimes that's what you need to hear.
Rachel will never know all the ways her words have mended my broken heart.
They have provided encouragement in a desert.

This family has been a family I have admired because they have been nice.
But sometimes it's easy to be nice.
Especially when life is good.

But the past couple years life hasn't always been easy, or good.
Cancer made a home in Mrs. Susanna's body.
Stuggles with infertility knocked on their door,
But God was faithful, and Issac was born...

and they fought though a roller-coster ride of international adoption.
But though grace they endured. And Jane is now a part of the family.

Mrs. Susanna's biggest prayer through her struggle
was to welcome these grand-babies into the family.

And her prayers were answered.

Through it all they have still been nice, as usual.
But so much more than that, they have remained faithful.
And Jesus has given great strength.

"Mama, I just need you to know that I'm not overcome. I am not in despair. I am not left hopeless. I have never ever been so filled with hope. I have never been so intimate with my Prince of Peace. I have never felt more loved by our family and our friends. And so I just need you to know that I am ok." -Rachel

Mrs. Susanna went to be with Jesus, January 2.
Her struggle remains no more.
She's sitting at the feet of Jesus now,
no more pain, no more suffering, no more cancer.
Her life is a legacy.
Her daughters are evidence of her faithfulness,
and the mercy of Jesus.

And they are a beacon of light of the hope and life Jesus can bring.
And I am so grateful for that Light.

Thank you Abbey Saxton Guffey for capturing such great memories with your photography.


Yoli said...

So sweet Britany. You don't know me. I'm friends with your precious mom, Cindy, but I peaked in on your blog that I saw posted on Rachel's Facebook wall. What a sweet gift you've given them with your words...

Emily and Daniel said...

Your words have encouraged and ministered to me more than you will ever know! Knowing you is an honor. I love you dearly, sweet friend!

Jennifer and Mathew said...

love this post..