29 September, 2010

There's a wonder in that God gives men and women

the beautiful privilege to participate in Creation.

It is a treasure that can not be traded for any other gift on this earth greater.

We being created in His image, He, The Creator, lets us share in His joy...

He provokes two cells magnetically drawn together, two separate entities united as one,

Then a womb to render a place to be protected, nourished, and matured,

Determination, Strength and Perseverance to endure pain, exhaustion, anxious anticipation,

Grace to bond, love and protect,

Wisdom to cultivate, guide and support for years to come.

And for all the ways we fall short, and are not enough, His hands are there to hold us up.

Through love new life is conceived,

Through labor new life is delivered,

Through nurture new life is perfected.

22 September, 2010

Over the past 3 years I have gradually realized that there is nothing that gives me more joy than having the sacred privilege of witnessing babies being born. I'm always learning spiritual lessons through medical realities in my experiences as a nurse, but I could probably talk for days about the countless way I think God reveals himself through conception, pregnancy in childbirth. We've been in our obstetrics unit in school recently it seems like I've had a lot of these moments lately. Just thought I might share some with blog world...

08 September, 2010

I remember the day I discovered Coldplay,

the first time I heard music that reaches to a place so deep you can feel

the day my nerves and insecurities hid their looming face

long enough for me to let myself move, to dance

the day I let my voice sing out, instead of just humming along

the day I saw that the sun didn't have to be shining

for the day to be beautiful

the day I learned you actually don't have to color in between the lines,

and you don't have to cross all your t's and dot all your i's

the day I realized a picture can speak a thousand words,

but words can too paint a picture never caught behind the lens of a camera

the day I experienced laughter that turned into tears,

and tears that turned into laughter

the day I was no longer disturbed by the knot that got caught in my knitting

the day I decided my hair did not have to be perfectly straight

This was the day I knew that life is not alway good,

and moments are not always happy

but there's something in everything to be learned,

to be savored, to be seen, to be felt

and it's these things that shape you, make you, more beautiful

…and you grow